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3 films on one DVD disc.

Surtsey, The Black Island, the story of the Volcanic Island.

Atlantic Jihad, the untold story of Icelanders sold as slaves in Africa

The Old Whetstone, the story of 5 generations of an Icelandic family.


An unexpected submarine eruption south of Iceland created an island, Surtsey, and changed our perception of the Earth.

The Black Island is the epic Saga of Surtsey. The film depicts the evolution of life and our fascination and fear of the world´s untamed and still unknown forces. Using unique archive material and new films from visits to the Black Island.


The film has a strong and dramatic story, well known in Iceland in its outlines but practically unknown elsewhere. The research is new and original. It is full of surprise elements. At the same time, its many of its traits are familiar in the present – fear and joy, loneliness and solidarity, disaster and coping with disaster, the clash of cultures, the questions of lasting value.


In Ófeigsfjord in North-West Iceland the old whet stone has been used to sharpen the knifes for five generations. Here people have lived from the earths resources for generations, farming, fishing shark and seal and collecting eggs from bird’s nests in addition they use the driftwood for building houses. There are still some eccentrics like Petur who stick out and use the resources as his forefathers have done over the centuries. 


Discover an unknown Saga, the birth of an island and an Icelandic way of living through five generations

Available in English,



30 Euros

25 USD


People, Nature

& History